Sep 15, 2014

Parameters...Arguments...Are they represent same meaning or differ??

Parameters...Arguments...Are they represent same meaning or differ??

          We will come across these words when we use Functions, at the time of Function call, Function declaration and Function definiton.In most of the programs we will use functions as they are easy to use,reduce the complexicity and can understand the program easily.Ofcourse using functions increase the running time of the program, but without these it is difficult to write the code for the program having a hundred of steps (statements).

Lets look at the example :

Parameters :

                      The names that are written in the function declaration or function definition are calles parameters. These are also called as Formal Arguments”

⦁ In the above example a, b are parameters.

Actual Arguments:      
                      The values that are passed to the variables at the time of function call are called Arguments. These are also called as “Actual Arguments”.

⦁ In the above example 3, 4 are arguments.

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