#include<iostream> #include<cstdlib> #include<queue> #include<cmath> using namespace std; class node { public: int data; node *left; node *right; }; class tree : public node { public: int n,value; node *root; tree() // constructor of tree for intialising the values { int q=0,m; cout<<"\nenter the no.of levels : "; cin>>m; node *p=new node; p->left=p->right=NULL; root=p; queue<node*> Q; Q.push(p); while(!Q.empty()) { if(q<(pow(2,m)-1)) { node *current; current = Q.front(); Q.pop(); cin>>current->data; q++; if(q<pow(2,m-1)) { node *a=new node; a->left=a->right=NULL; current->left=a; node *b=new node; b->left=b->right=NULL; current->right=b; Q.push(current->left); Q.push(current->right); } } else { break; } } } void pretrvsal() { preorder(root); } void preorder(node *root) { if(root==NULL) { return ; } cout<<" "<<root->data<<" "; preorder(root->left); preorder(root->right); } void posttrvsal() { postorder(root); } void postorder(node *root) { if(root==NULL) { return ; } postorder(root->left); postorder(root->right); cout<<" "<<root->data<<" "; } void intrvsal() { inorder(root); } void inorder(node *root) { if(root==NULL) { return ; } inorder(root->left); cout<<" "<<root->data<<" "; inorder(root->right); } void levelorder() { if(root == NULL) return; queue<node*> Q; Q.push(root); while(!Q.empty()) { node* current = Q.front(); Q.pop(); // removing the element at front cout<<" "<<current->data<<" "; if(current->left != NULL) Q.push(current->left); if(current->right != NULL) Q.push(current->right); } } void level() { cout<<"enter the level : "; cin>>n; int a=1; if(root == NULL) return; queue<node*> Q; Q.push(root); while(!Q.empty()) { node* current = Q.front(); Q.pop(); if(a>=pow(2,n) && a<pow(2,n+1)) // removing the element at front cout<<" "<<current->data<<" ";a++; if(current->left != NULL) Q.push(current->left); if(current->right != NULL) Q.push(current->right); } } void find() { cout<<"enter the key : "; cin>>n; int a=1,b=0; if(root == NULL) return; queue<node*> Q; Q.push(root); while(!Q.empty()) { node* current = Q.front(); Q.pop(); if(n==current->data) { cout<<"the key is found at node : "<<a; b=1; } a++; if(current->left != NULL) Q.push(current->left); if(current->right != NULL) Q.push(current->right); } if(b==0) { cout<<"\nthe element is not found\n"; } } }; int main() { int choice,a; tree tr; while (1) { cout<<endl<<"\tBINARY TREE"<<endl; cout<<"1.preorder"<<endl; cout<<"2.postorder"<<endl; cout<<"3.inorder"<<endl; cout<<"4.levelorder"<<endl; cout<<"5.keys at level"<<endl; cout<<"6.find node for key"<<endl; cout<<"7.Exit "<<endl; cout<<"\nEnter your choice : "; cin>>choice; switch(choice) { case 1: tr.pretrvsal(); cout<<endl; break; case 2: tr.posttrvsal(); cout<<endl; break; case 3: tr.intrvsal(); cout<<endl; break; case 4: tr.levelorder(); cout<<endl; break; case 5: tr.level(); cout<<endl; break; case 6: tr.find(); cout<<endl; break; case 7: exit(0); default: break; } } return 0; }
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